Lyths in Uganda

Sunday 9 November 2008

Krio “small, small”

Helen has been asked to preach in church in February on the ‘Women’s ministry’ day.
Through constant daily use in her work she has gone way ahead of Dave in the language.

Krio has a lot of words that are now outdated in modern English, such as: make haste; yonder; cutlass; gentry (wealthy); copper (cash); tote (carry).

Krio is easier to understand than to speak, as you may appreciate in the following phrases taken from the Gospels: una for wideawake (be alert); oneword (unity); Jizos en in lanin boy den (Jesus and his disciples); den aks Jizos bot di day for pray en blow (they ask Jesus a question about the Sabbath); di married uman we den ketch pan fri life (the woman caught in adultery); Jizos tel di breeze en di swelin for steady (Jesus stilled the storm); Jizos swe one fig tik (Jesus cursed a fig tree).