Lyths in Uganda

Sunday 2 November 2008

Management takeover by ‘Freedom from Fistula’

Ann Gloag’s (Scottish businesswoman and philanthropist) organisation (, which does similar work elsewhere in Africa has just publicised their takeover of our centre from a management point of view at the end of this year.

Our fistula and paediatric clinic work is more of a long term service, which has a very different emphasis from the urgent relief work that Mercy ships focuses on. Mercy Ships will however still be directly involved in supplies and other ways. It would be nice keep the Mercy Ships name, which has a hugely positive image in this country.

We will be sorry to lose some of the spiritual heritage of Mercy Ships, and the centre in Texas, and the many fine people who support and visit here, but we do see the benefit for the women and children of ‘Salone’ of management that is focussed on the medical work.

Please pray for those making decisions, and may our centre bring honour to God. The physical rehabilitation centre ‘New Steps’ has not yet found a parent to take them over.