Lyths in Uganda

Sunday 14 September 2008

Faithful staff

Thursday afternoon this week the heavens opened and on our way home we had to cross a river 150 yards wide with hundreds struggling to cross on foot (see video below). The back of our pickup filled to bursting with grateful passengers wanting to avoid and soaking and possible injury.

Freetown came to a standstill and most of our staff took hours (some as much as four) to walk home where there is no means to dry clothes. But next morning they were all back to work on time, bright and cheerful. We sang at devotions ‘Send us more rain……..!’

One member of staff’s relative is a little boy aged 3 who among others was drowned when several houses were washed away. A local newspaper wrote, ‘Freetown is congested with one third (not true) of the country’s population this could be evident by…. the illegal occupation of the dangerous and sloppy hills in Freetown by the downtrodden.’