Lyths in Uganda

Sunday 17 February 2008


Yeabu, aged 19 had caesarean section in August last year for her first pregnancy. She had been in labour 4 days and the baby was stillborn. She had terrible wound infection that persisted for 3 months, and also suffered damage to her bladder (obstetric fistula). She went home to die. Our patient search team however passed her village. They snatched her up and brought her in to Freetown. For 2 weeks before this photo was taken we battled for her life with antibiotics, IV fluids, blood and other treatments. Her father came and wept to see his daughter dying. She survived but remained in a zombie like state with no light in her face until her discharge.

Three months later she came back and we could not recognise her! We repaired her fistula successfully, and her mother visited the centre, wreathed in smiles and thanks. Yeabu herself is continually smiling, and has joined in all the patient activities. She has really been reborn.