Lyths in Uganda

Monday, 19 April 2010

Support for volleyball court

Under four mighty mvuli trees below the community hall a piece of land has been approved for a volleyball court. The court will be for the use of the 250 nursing students, and anyone in the community. It will be in constant use we are sure.

Charles and his team of 5 start work tomorrow with digging up the hard grass underneath, then covering it with 6 inches of black soil and six inches of red murram. The lower sides will be edged with large stones.

We have taken financial responsibility for the £400 budget, so if anyone would like to contribute towards it that would be a great help. Anything received beyond the needs of the court we will put to devveloping other sports facilities here. Make cheques to the ‘International Relief Fund’, marked volleyball court and send it to Vine Church, 131 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline. KY11 4JU. Tel 01383-631001.