Update on Sesse Conte
One or two have asked us what happened to the young man with the urethral injury from the civil war metioned on 1st July blog. Thanks for your concern. After a couple of dye Xrays, and then a thorough examination and ultrasound scan by myself it became apparent that he was actually emptying his bladder well, and could even father a child (an important matter in this culture) with assistance. Also the surgery required to correct the anatomy would be very complex and liable to complications which could set him back to an even worse situation. Re-assured he will now hopefully move on to a better life.
Isatu Karoma
Came to see me yesterday. She had already been operated on twice before, and at the last time was declared ‘inoperable’. She came to ask if there was any other hope for her. After checking her medical notes I started asking her social questions to see if she might be suitable for Helen’s telephone business (see blog August). “I live in a refugee camp”, “No I have no man.” “Yes I live alone.” “No I have no work.” At each of these questions a wave of pain visibly passed over her sad face, a total picture of devastation. My heart went out to her. I gave her the bus fare and said “Com bak Tuesday. Elen, mi wef go tok yu abot di telefon bisiness.”